18 August 2008

That's why we need to rewrite it...

...'it' being the Second Amendment to the Constitution, of course. The problem is, it's got too many wishy-washy words in it now, and that allows weasel room for those wishing to disarm us. (And if you don't think that's what they want, the reason it's so dark and quiet where you are is that you have your head up your ass.)

So, please join with Rico in promoting the simplification of the Second Amendment. It's simple: just dump all that crap about militias and the 'security of a free state' that only confuses the issue, and focus on the heart of the matter:
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Seems simple enough when you say it that way, doesn't it? As backup for the notion, Rico quotes Tench Coxe, a prominent federalist and friend of James Madison, who wrote this in the Philadelphia Gazette, circa 1788:
Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Congress have (sic) no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American.
Rico says he doesn't currently have 'every other terrible implement', but he could if he wanted to, and had the money...

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