18 August 2008

Hey, it's only fair, let alone the law

Right-wingers, especially the religious ones, seem to have this problem with the equal-rights provision of the Constitution. Now it took yet another court decision to force a fertility clinic in San Diego County to treat a lesbian couple who wanted artificial insemination so that the 'mother' could get pregnant: "Today's ruling, three months after overturning California's ban on same-sex marriage, strengthened the state's law that prohibits businesses, including medical clinics, from discriminating against customers because of their sexual orientation, as well as their race, sex or religion. The court said religious beliefs do not excuse discrimination... In today's ruling, the court also rejected the doctors' claim that their freedom of speech was being violated, saying they remain free to criticize the anti-discrimination law as long as they comply with it."

Rico says he can hardly wait for this to trickle down to truly benighted religious enclaves like Utah...

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