31 March 2020

As ever,Rico advocates nuking whoever loosed this virus on the world.

27 March 2020

Ham and cheese sandwich for dinner.
Nap at 1630.
Banana at 1500.
Popsicle at 1500.
Icecream bar at 1100

24 March 2020

Worth checking out.

23 March 2020

Worth checking out.
Worth checking out.
Worth checking out.

20 March 2020

Trump is such an embarrassment.
Arming officers at the border would help.

16 March 2020

Watched "The perfect Storm" with George Clooney.
Watched "The Perfect Storm" with George Clooney
Cold today.

14 March 2020

More obscure words
Still missing.
Breakfast of French toast.

13 March 2020

Watched "Men in Black"

09 March 2020

If it turns out that China was responsible for the Corona virus, we ought to nuke them.

06 March 2020

Home and watching television.
Usual idiots.

05 March 2020

Cynthia babbling as usual.
Upstairs at 1000.

02 March 2020

Bring good cookies.

01 March 2020

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