17 August 2008

Finally some traction on solar

Slashdot has an article about a new photovoltaic power plant project planned for San Luis Obispo County in California, "covering 12.5 square miles, that together will generate about 800 megawatts of power, the latest indication that solar energy is starting to achieve significant scale"... "The power will be sold to Pacific Gas & Electric, which is under a state mandate to get 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2010. The utility said that it expected the new plants to be competitive with other renewable energy sources, including wind turbines and solar thermal plants."

Rico says good ol' PG&E, on the cutting edge again...

On a related note, this about collecting solar energy after the sun's gone down: "The nanoantennas are actually tiny golden spirals or squares that are stamped onto polyethylene. The nanoantennas are able to absorb about 80 percent of the energy contained in the infrared wavelengths which causes the nanoantennas to oscillate with alternating current a trillion times per second."

Rico says it's a nice trick if you can do it...

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