06 August 2008

Another one gone we don't care about

al-Reuters has the story of Mauritania's leader being deposed by the palace guard: "A 'State Council', led by Mauritania's former presidential guard chief, said that President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi was no longer president. Statement No. One from the council, which was broadcast by Gulf-based al-Arabiya television, annulled what it described as the 'former president's' previous decree sacking several top military officers. State television was taken off air. Those sacked by Abdallahi included presidential guard chief Mohamed Ould Abdelaziz, who the statement said chaired the state council. Shortly after the sackings were announced soldiers seized Abdallahi and other government officials."

Rico says since most people couldn't find Mauritania on a map with help, the resounding lack of response is to be expected. But sacking your own palace guard is pretty stupid, even for a two-bit third-world dictator. When you sack the guys protecting you, who's going to protect you?

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