02 September 2011

Bad government, as usual

Rico says that The AnarchAngel has a post on his blog about some dumb gummint types:
The US Attorney in Idaho is filing federal charges against Jeremy Hill, a father who shot a grizzly bear on his property to protect his wife and kids, even though state officials, who investigated the case thoroughly, took no action against the man. He now faces up to a year in prison and a fifty thousand dollar fine. He pleaded not guilty, and faces trial in October.
This is the incident: Hill, his wife Rachel, and four of their six children were home together as the incident unfolded, about 7 p.m., on the Hills' twenty-acre ranch, which fronts Highway 1, near Porthill.
The children were outside playing basketball in front of the house and Rachel, not feeling well, had gone to lay down. Hill was showering. His wife, not able to sleep, looked out her bedroom window and spotted the bears an estimated forty yards from where the kids were playing. She ran outside, shouting for the kids to get in the house.
Hill heard the screams and looked outside. Seeing the bears, he grabbed the only weapon at hand, a rifle, which was wrapped and unloaded. He found three bullets, loaded the weapon, and raced outside. He didn't know where his children or his wife were, exactly, but could hear his wife's panicked screams. Stepping out onto the back deck from their bedroom, he saw one of the bears climbing halfway up the side of the pen containing the children's pigs. He ran out and fired a shot at the bear closest to him. The other two bears, alarmed by the crack of the rifle, darted away from the pigpen toward the forest behind his house. "He didn't fire at the retreating bears because they no longer posed a threat," according to the state report.
The grizzly on the fence was hit, and he tumbled off, then got up and ran off, limping slightly. The family dog went after the injured bear, which was heading in the same direction the other two had fled. The bear, only a few yards from the house, turned and charged straight toward where Hill was standing by a large basement window under the deck.
Fearing there was nothing but him and a large pane of glass to keep the wounded bear out of his house, Hill took aim and fired again. The bullet hit the grizzly and the bear rolled to the ground, tried to get up, then fell back down.
So Hill did the right thing, put a dangerous injured predator down, called Fish & Game, and was cleared of wrongdoing by all local officials. Which is of course why he's in Federal court now, pleading not guilty to killing an endangered species.
Yeah, I could go into the wrongness of this, the fact that it was self-defense, that the Endangered Species Act needs to die itself, or any other number of trains of thought. Let the other self-defense and Second Amendment bloggers handle that, they're more than capable.
It's not like Idaho as a whole is thrilled with the Federal government at the moment. We've signed onto the healthcare suits, the Federal firearms suits (Idaho has a statute specifically allowing sales and manufacture of firearms within the states without Federal intervention), and we've been bitching about the Endangered Species Act forever. Idaho also de-listed wolves from its own internal endangered species list; that has been a bone of contention between Governor Otter and the Secretary of the Interior.
Rico says he's not for shooting endangered species but, when they're as big as a grizzly, sometimes you got no choice...

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