03 October 2007

My thoughts exactly

"I'm old enough and ornery enough that I don't have to appease anybody."
the late Henry Lee, sheriff of New Orleans
born 1932, died 2007

And a classic, said to someone who questioned the Sheriff's Office policy of shooting to kill people who point guns at deputies, after deputies killed two men in a three week period:

"You've been watching too many movies where they shoot the gun out of the guy's hand."

Any why anyone, especially in Nawlins, thinks they can point a gun at a deputy sheriff and not get shot escapes me...

My thanks to my embedded reporter in New Orleans for this, and so much more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lest readers of Rico's Rant get confused, Sherrif Harry Lee is not related to that favorite Son of the South, Robert E. Lee. Harry was a Chinese American that was born in the back of a laundry in New Orleans in 1932. He had a penchant for dressing up in a stetson hat and loved country music. When Nutria threatened to undermine drainage canals in Jefferson Parish, he set his SWAT team on them with .22 cal rifles much to the dismay of animal rights activists. After Katrina, FEMA told Wal Mart not to open their stores. Harry said he would arrest anyone from FEMA who prevented a store from opening.


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