04 October 2007

Just kidding, I suppose

Seems that Oakland International Airport held a press conference to 'explain' that no disrespect had been intended toward the planeload of troops just back from Iraq who were held on the tarmac and prevented from entering the terminal:

“We apologize, I apologize to any members of the military that were on this flight and may have experienced some discomfort or perception of disrespect,” said Omar Benjamin, executive director of the Port of Oakland, which operates the airport.

"Perception of disrespect"? Yeah, I'd guess so. But that's one hell of a euphemism there, Omar...
And Omar? Omar? Really?
That explains things...

(I know, I know, you're going to point out that Mister Benjamin is probably Jewish, and that Omar Bradley certainly wasn't a Muslim. In addition, according to the website http://www.al-azhar.ab.ca/deriv.htm, Omar is a 'personal name' and, as I should have suspected, Biblical: Omar, a grandson of Esau. So, my apologies to Mister Benjamin. But don't spoil the beauty of the thing with reality, please.)

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