05 April 2008

Okay, don't hang him; just stomp him to death

While Rico posted about it earlier, seems that the Warren Jeffs saga has taken a new turn: "A total of 183 people, including 137 children, have been taken away since law enforcement officers raided the compound Thursday night. The children, most of them girls, were being interviewed by special investigators." "Jeffs' Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints bought the land near Eldorado four years ago and built the ranch, which they call the YFZ Ranch. The letters are said to refer to the words Yearning for Zion." "The church openly practices polygamy in two towns straddling the Arizona-Utah state line, Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona. but members living on their Texas ranch rarely venture into Eldorado, four miles to the south. Critics of the sect say that it arranges marriages for girls as young as 13 and that competition for brides may be reduced through exiling young men. If male followers are excommunicated, the critics claim, their wives and children can be reassigned to someone else."

Rico says he can only shake his head; it's amazing that religion can coerce so many people into doing so much...

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