04 April 2008

Pungent commentary

Proving that Rico isn't the only curmudgeon out there, here's Joel Connelley's column out of Seattle, taking Hillary's campaign to task: "As her ham-handed handlers insult entire states, and her self-absorbed husband indulges in red-faced, finger-wagging outbursts, Sen. Hillary Clinton soldiers on. It is a joyless campaign, with stump speeches that carry tales of woe and get delivered in a booming voice that could open a wall safe. A full three months after the Iowa caucuses, nearly two months after Washington's caucuses, the Clintons seem bent on turning the Democrats' fertile ground into scorched earth." "Senior party nabobs are sending a message: It's time for you to go. They've cleared the table, put the cat out, and are yawning at the power couple that gave them the first Democratic presidential re-election since FDR." "When left to her own devices, Hillary Clinton can be a highly impressive human being." "The miscalculations and misjudgments -- which likely have cost Hillary Clinton the nomination, and Bill Clinton much of his reputation -- are the campaign's own doing. In years past, the Clintons showed an amazing knack for getting themselves into binds, then escaping tight corners. It has deserted them."

Rico says he wishes he'd written it...

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