08 April 2008

On-going whining

Seems al Fayed won't give it up about his son and his daughter-in-law, insisting that the British secret service could still, somehow, have engineered their deaths. According to al-Reuters: ""It is possible that MI6 were involved," al-Fayed's spokeswoman Katharine Witty told the BBC on Tuesday, a day after the inquest verdict was announced. "We are still saying that it's possible but whether ... we can do anything about that remains to be seen," she said. "He is just going to reflect on the full ramifications of the verdict." Lord Justice Scott Baker said there was "not a shred of evidence" to support al-Fayed's allegation that Prince Philip had ordered British security services to kill her and stop her marrying a Muslim and having his baby. In stark contrast, Trevor Rees echoed Princes William and Harry in accepting the jury's ruling and trying finally to put the tragedy behind them. Rees, who suffered horrific facial injuries in the crash in a Paris road tunnel but survived because he was wearing a seat belt, said: "I hope that this now represents a point from which everyone involved can move on." In their statement welcoming the verdict, William and Harry said: "We are particularly grateful to Trevor Rees and to others who came forward to give evidence -- in many cases reawakening their painful and personal memories."

Rico says al Fayed is at risk of becoming an embittered old man, muttering in his beer (whoops, probably not; tea, then) about the mysterious conspiracies hatched at the Palace to kill his boy and the stupid princess. It'd be laughable, if it wasn't so sad...

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