02 April 2008

Maybe you can get it from a toilet seat...

...if it's built in China.
Seems the Chinese are allowing (no one is saying it's deliberate, yet) viruses to sneak into products shipped to the US, including (who'd'a thought) digital picture frames. Some are nasty: "The $50 frame, built in China and bought at Target, was infested with four viruses, including one that steals passwords." "One information-technology worker wrote to the SANS security group that his new digital picture frame delivered "the nastiest virus that I've ever encountered in my 20-plus-year IT career." Another complained his new external hard drive had malfunctioned because it came loaded with a password-stealing virus." "Apple disclosed the most information, saying the virus that infected a small number of video iPods in 2006 came from a PC used to test compatibility with the gadget's software."

Rico says that'll teach 'em, using a fucking PC to test anything...

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