12 April 2008

The Chinese are no different

"Chinese President Hu Jintao took a hard line Saturday in his first remarks on the recent unrest in Tibet, saying the matter is an internal affair that directly threatens Chinese sovereignty." "China does not interfere in other countries' internal affairs, nor does it try to impose its own will on others," he said. As Tibet's former Communist Party boss, Hu enforced a harsh crackdown against the last major anti-government protests there in 1989. He has tightened Chinese rule over the Himalayan region since taking over as president in 2003, stepping up controls over Tibetan Buddhism and increasingly opening the region to travel and migration from other parts of China. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said a U.S. House resolution passed Wednesday "crudely interfered in China's internal politics, seriously hurting the feelings of the Chinese people."

We also insist that our occupation of our Southwest is legitimate, and that the primordial inhabitants should shut the fuck up and ignore the religious and political changes wrought by our invasion.
The difference, of course, is that did it in the 1800s and China occupied Tibet in the 1950s, so we have pride of place.

As for "seriously hurting the feelings of the Chinese people", Rico says he could not care less about that. As a matter of fact, if what he says here hurts their feelings, he's doing his job...

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