23 September 2007

Michael Moore has it wrong, yet again

Seems that a lot of people are weighing in against Sicko, the new diatribe movie by Michael Moore.
Now, in the interests of transparency, I have worked for several of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies (GSK and BMS), but I don't now. I've also (recently and as a young man) been treated in major hospitals in California and Pennsylvania, so I have some experience with medical care in this country. I've even been treated at the Carolinska Institute in Stockholm, home of the committee that awards the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
But it's the Cubans (see http://blogforcuba.typepad.com/my_weblog/ and http://www.babalublog.com/ for the inside story) who really get the final say on all of this; they take Mr. Moore to task for his misrepresentation (by Michael? really? who'd a thunk it?) of the health care system on the island. (Though my man Fred weighs in, too: http://www.babalublog.com/archives/005104.html)
I'm sure.
But is it the US healthcare system, or Michael Moore?

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