11 September 2006


For those with extremely short memories, IX.XI is the Roman numeral date corresponding to 9.11, as in 2001.
For those with short memories, XII.VII is the Roman numeral date corresponding to 12.7, as in 1941.

There are parallels we should remember.

They both happened early in the morning.
They both involved aircraft.
They both involved large plumes of smoke.
They both killed about 3,000 Americans. (2,471 at Pearl Harbor and 3,030 on 9.11)
They both started a long and vicious war with an implacable enemy.

The XII.VII war lasted four years and the United States suffered 418,500 dead.
The IX.XI war has lasted five years and the United States has suffered more than 5,866 dead, including the 9.11 attack itself.

For the sake of comparison, let us remember that the United States suffered almost 3,000 dead at the Battle of Cold Harbor (in June of 1864) by lunchtime.

We need to come to terms with the fact that the IX.XI war is going to last a long time (which is why I call it the Thousand Year War) and cause more casualties.
Given that the war between Islamic jihadists and the United States began in 1785, we better start getting used to it...

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