08 August 2013

International scam for the day

From: "Bill Ponchot" <billponchot@craftsmanelectric.com>
Date: August 8, 2013, 11:58:16 EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Trust and Confidential

Trust and Confidential
Guaranty Trust Bank,
(UK) Limited,
60-62 Margaret Street,
London W1W 8TF.
From the desk of: Mr. Fernando Estrada


I am Mr. Fernando Estrada and I work with Guaranty Trust Bank (UK) Limited. There Is an account opened in my bank in 2003 and since 2007 nobody has operated on this account again, after going through some old file in the records I discovered that if I do not remit this money out urgently it would be forfeited for nothing. The owner of this account is Mr. Pat Groves, a foreigner and a miner at Mount Resources Ltd., a geologist by profession.
He died since 2007, and no other person knows about this account or anything concerning it. The account has no other beneficiary. My investigation proved that his company does not know anything about his account and the  amount involved is Thirty Six Million United States Dollars.
The bank will welcome any foreigner that has correct information about the account, which I will give to you. Therefore, i can present you as the next of kin and if we have common understanding and mutual co-operation we will work out the modalities for the claiming of the funds in accordance with the law and order.I need your full co-operation to make this work out. If you are capable of handling such an amount in strict confidence with trust we will achieve this goal immediately, I will also use my position to influence approvals and immediate onward transfer of this money to your account for sharing and further investments.
Send your full names, address and contact telephone # TO THIS EMAIL: estrad101@yahoo.co.jp

I look forward to your earliest reply.

Best Regards,
Bill Ponchot (secretary)
Mr. Fernando Estrada
+44 7045787105

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