15 May 2008

He'd have to watch his back for four years...

...and Rico imagines the Secret Service would have to work overtime.

Hillary For VP Is A Bad Idea:
"The downside for Obama of having Mrs. Clinton on the ticket far outweighs the upside. Here are a few reasons why, in no particular order of importance:
She adds little or nothing to the ticket. Despite Hillary’s claim of being able to carry the "big" states, let’s be realistic. New York, California, and New Jersey are going to go Democratic no matter who is the nominee. Hillary won Texas(allegedly), but the chances of Texas becoming a blue state in November are slim and none.
On the other hand, Obama has a chance to put the South in play because of the large number of African-American voters in states like North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Louisiana. With Hillary’s recent remarks on "hard-working white Americans" some of those voters might not be as motivated to turn out.
It diminishes Obama’s message of change. Running as the candidate who wants to change the way things are done in Washington will be difficult with a running mate who has been involved in Washington politics for the last 16 years. In my opinion, Obama needs a VP from outside the beltway, a governor or possibly a former general, who could counter McCain’s advantage in the area of military and foreign policy experience.
A successful Obama administration is not in Hillary’s best interests. If she wants to make another run for president, eight years of President Obama would make Hillary nearly 70 years old in 2016. She may work to undercut his agenda and his ability to pass legislation to see to it that doesn’t happen.
Bill, the ultimate loose cannon. Does Obama really want Bill traveling the world with the authority of the husband of the vice-president, saying who-knows-what. I would hardly think so.
Hillary is a polarizing person. Beginning a campaign for president with a running mate that half of the country will not vote for and more than half thinks is dishonest seems to me to be putting Obama at a disadvantage before the race even starts.
Hillary energizes the Republican attack machine. If Obama wants to make this campaign about the future of the country, that will be a lot easier without the dredging up of all the Clinton scandals of the past, which will surely happen if Hillary is on the ticket. I can the ads now, do you really want this person a heartbeat away from the presidency? Again, this is more baggage that Obama doesn’t need to carry."

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