15 May 2008

West Virginia? Where's that?

The Houston Chronicle has a nice piece about the significance, or lack thereof, of West Virginia in the election: "Before we jump to too many conclusions, let’s take a realistic look at the demographics of West Virginia and a glance at their history to see if the emphasis on the outcome there is warranted. West Virginia has a total population of about 1.8 million. The largest city, Charleston, has about 53,000 residents. The population is 96% white and 51% female. Only about 1% of the state’s residents are foreign-born, ranking 50th out of 50 states. On the economic front, West Virginia is third lowest in per capita income, ahead of only Arkansas and Mississippi. They rank last in median household income. The growth in GDP in West Virginia ranks 49th out of 50. On education, West Virginia has the lowest percentage of people with a college degree in the country. On the historical perspective, I don’t want to make any assertions about the people of West Virginia, but it must be included as part of the equation. Robert Byrd, a former member of the KKK, has been a Senator from West Virginia since 1959 and in exit polling 20% of the voters cited race as an important factor in their choice between Clinton and Obama. So to sum up, West Virginia is a mostly rural, mostly white, mostly female, mostly native-born, mostly poor, mostly less educated population, with at least a tinge of racism thrown into the mix. A population which I hardly think is representative of America as a whole. As Frank Sinatra sang about New York, if Hillary can’t make it there, she can’t make it anywhere. So before too much is read into the results from the primary, no matter how hard Hillary tries, don’t extrapolate the outcome to try and discern some sort of a trend. In my opinion, West Virginia is more the exception than the rule. If there were a state where the numbers were reversed, I suspect the margin of victory for Obama would be the same as Hillary’s was in West Virginia."

Rico says it's just like he said: low-rent, low-education, low-testosterone, white trash voters. Hillary can be so proud...

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