27 December 2014

Movie review for the day (TIG)

Rico and the ladyfriend went to see The Imitation Game, starring Benedict Cumberbatch (he of Sherlock fame, and properly named Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch) and Kiera Knightley (she of Pirates of the Caribbean fame, and properly named Keira Christina Knightley), the story of Alan Turing and the breaking of the Enigma coding machine, which changed the course of World War TwoWinston Churchill told King George VI that "it was thanks to Ultra that we won the war."

Rico says it was much as expected; Cumberbatch was brilliant and Knightley was gorgeous. The Brits, being just a touch homophobic, lost an incredible mind to suicide far too early, and we had to wait decades for his Turing Machine to become a household device. Tim Cook, of course, would be proud of him...

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