22 January 2014

Olympics for the day

Herbert Dyer, Jr. has an AllVoices article about preparations for Sochi:
Wanted posters of a female terrorism suspect have gone up and are being widely distributed in Sochi, scene of the Winter Olympics in less than three weeks.
At the same time, American warships began moving closer to Russia, including into the Black Sea, in response to a video threat from beyond the grave against the games.
However, as reported by The Guardian, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again has assured the world that security for the games will be unprecedented, and that his country is prepared to handle any and all threats.
Police in Sochi have delivered fliers to all Sochi hotels and businesses, depicting a woman suspected of terrorism in the past and who is likely already in the city, according to ABC News.
One flier, obtained by CNN, cautions workers to watch out for Ruzanna "Salima" Ibragimova. She is described as the widow of a member of a militant group from the Caucasus Mountains region, and is suspected of helping to organize "a terrorist act within the 2014 Olympic region".
The flier, dated 15 January 2014, says that Ibragimova arrived in the region sometime last week. Her picture has been plastered all over Russian television and she is the "hottest" topic on all Russian social media sites and reports. Some fliers and reports refer to her as a "black widow": female terrorists who have been involved with Russia's Chechen separatists. These women are thought to be wives of insurgents killed by government forces, and have been implicated in a number of high-profile suicide bombings.
Russian security experts note that this particular woman is very probably only one of many possible suspects. "I guarantee they're talking about this one black widow," former CIA officer Mike Baker told USA Today, "but there are others that they're also worried about."
Meanwhile, the US Navy has up to two warships and several transport aircraft standing by just off Russia's coast. According to an unnamed US official, they are operating under a contingency plan to evacuate Americans from Sochi, if necessary. However, CNN reported that it is the State Department, rather than the military, which would organize and direct any evacuation of American nationals. In any case, Washington would first need Moscow's explicit permission to act on Russian soil, in Russian airspace, or in Russian waters.
CBS News allows that the contingency plan involves the warships launching transport helicopters to Sochi from the Black Sea. Also, giant C-17 transport airplanes are on standby in Germany and could reach Sochi in about two hours. Other “assets” (mercenaries and “independent contractors”) have been engaged by the State Department and would be available to do any number of different types of “actions”.
It has been widely reported that a video appeared recently, in which suspected male suicide bombers in last month's back-to-back bombings in the Russian city of Volgograd made a direct threat against the Olympics:
"We've prepared a present for you and all tourists who'll come over," the video says. "If you will hold the Olympics, you'll get a present from us for the Muslim blood that's been spilled."
That video was posted on a known jihadi website and was obviously recorded before the Volgograd attacks. At least thirty people were killed at that Volgograd train and bus station.
Putin is taking all of these threats and the potential for terrorism very seriously. Access to Sochi is extremely restricted. In an interview with Russian and international media, Putin indicated that about forty thousand members of Russia's police and security forces would be guarding events.
Still, security analysts and experts have warned that terrorists may indeed conclude that Sochi is too hard a target and simply strike elsewhere in Russia during the Olympics. In any event, terrorist threats have been made that promise attacks every single day of the Olympics somewhere in Russia, which covers a full one-eighth of the surface of the earth.
Rico says he has no love of winter sports (mostly because they require cold and snow, which he'll pass on), but will watch them on television, so it'll be nice if the Navy can help the Russians with their Black Widow problem...

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