09 December 2013

Movie review for the day

Rico says he watched Emperor, starring Tommy Lee Jones (whom Rico would watch read the phone book) as General Douglas MacArthur, overseeing the surrender and pacification of Japan:
As the Japanese surrender at the end of World War Two, General Fellers (played by Matthew Fox) is tasked with deciding if Emperor Hirohito (played by Takatarô Kataoka) will be hanged as a war criminal. Influencing his ruling is his quest to find Aya (played by Eriko Hatsune), an exchange student he'd met, years earlier, in the US.
Rico says the movie is, alas, far more about Fellers than MacArthur, but it does recreate the moment when Emperor Hirohito deigned to visit MacArthur, much to the surprise of the Japanese...

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