03 December 2013

Death from above

Mike Krumboltz has an article at Yahoo News, forwarded by Rico's friend Kelley, about killing snakes with mice:
A group of two thousand dead mice equipped with cardboard parachutes have been airdropped over an Air Force base on Guam in order to poison brown tree snakes.
It may sound like the plot to an animated movie starring the vocal talents of Gilbert Godfried, but we assure you this is actually happening.
NBC News reports that the dead mice were pumped full of acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol. The hope is that the snakes, which are invasive to the area and cause harm to exotic native birds and the island's power grid, will be drawn to the toxic rodents, eat them, and then croak. Other animals face minimal risk, reports the Air Force Times.
Dan Vice, the Agriculture Department's assistant supervisory wildlife biologist for Guam, told KUAM that the mice are dropped in a time sequence from low-flying helicopters. Each rodent is strung up to a tiny parachute made of cardboard and tissue paper.
Via NBC News:
"The cardboard is heavier than the tissue paper and opens up in an inverted horseshoe," Vice said. "It then floats down and ultimately hangs up in the forest canopy. Once it's hung in the forest canopy, snakes have an opportunity to consume the bait."
So how will workers know if the plan is working? After all, it's not like the mice can radio back to base. Or can they? The workers behind the plan told NBC News that some of the mice will have data-transmitting radios.
The mission is part of an eight million dollar program from the Interior and Defense departments. If the mission is successful, experts may expand it to other parts of Guam.

Cate Sevilla has the same story at BuzzFeed:
Two thousand mice have dropped down at Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, wearing tiny parachutes made of cardboard and tissue paper in an effort to eradicate the brown tree snake. Although snakes usually kill mice, this time it’s the other way around. How exactly is this possible? Simple: the mice are already dead, and full of poison.
The drop is part of an eight million dollar program to save the exotic native birds of Guam that are regularly killed by the brown tree snake. But Andersen Air Force Base has its own issues with the snakes as they regularly wriggle their way into an average of eighty electric substations at the base every year, costing four million dollars in annual repairs.
Apparently the government has tried many different ways of getting rid of the snakes, which they say probably arrived on an poorly inspected cargo shipment in the 1950s.
The latest attempt will include the dead mice, which each contain a micro-dose of acetaminophen– the drug found in Tylenol– which is deadly to the snakes. Helicopters will make low-altitude flights over the forested areas of the base, dropping bundles of the mice in time sequences. Some of the mice have tiny data-transmitting radios, which will help wildlife workers track the results of the drops. 
Rico says he knows it sounds like it should be the other way around, but a little poison and parachutes...

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