14 December 2012

Buddies again

Will Oremus has a Slate article about the end of the Maps war:
Remember when things got so ugly that Steve Jobs threatened to spend his "last dying breath" and "every penny of Apple's forty billion dollars in the bank" to wage a "thermonuclear war" on Google in retribution for building an iPhone rival? Well, people say such things in the heat of the moment. But today it seems the quarreling companies have reached an understanding: There's one perfect fit, and the iPhone and Google Maps is it.
A former Apple engineer stirred up a lot of debate in the tech world last month with a blog post making the case that "Google is getting better at design faster than Apple is getting better at Web services." It may be true that, for instance, Google's Android system does a better iOS impression than Apple Maps does a Google Maps impression. But the fact remains that neither company today can beat the other at its own game. Apple makes the best smartphones. Google makes the best maps. Apple can't afford to put out mobile devices with inferior services, and Google can't afford to have its services available only on inferior mobile devices. The relationship between the two may still be love-hate, but when they set aside their differences, everyone wins.
Rico says he's happy; he missed Google Maps...

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