17 July 2012

That whistling sound...

...is the shithammer coming down on George Zimmerman.
Cindy Ok has a Slate article about it:
A woman interviewed by authorities investigating George Zimmerman told them earlier this year that he sexually molested her on and off for about a decade when they were both children.
That was the biggest bombshell from the latest batch of evidence in the Trayvon Martin shooting case, that was made public Monday, despite a request from Zimmerman's legal team that the evidence be kept under wraps because they said it irrelevant and prejudicial. As The New York Times explains it: "it is unclear how, or whether, prosecutors plan to use the allegations in their case" against Zimmerman.
The Orlando Sentinel explains that the alleged abuse started when the witness was six years old and Zimmerman was about eight, and ended when she was sixteen. It allegedly included forced kissing, fondling, groping, and inserting his fingers into her vagina. "We would all lay in front of the television" to watch movies, she said, "and he would reach under the blankets and try to do things. …I would try to push him off, but he was bigger and stronger and older," she said.
Four years after the last such incident, her parents found out and they, with the woman, met with him in a restaurant. He apologized, and they did not pursue criminal charges because the alleged victim’s mother thought the case would get dropped, according to what the woman— identified only as Witness Number Nine— told authorities.
The records released also included an accusation from the alleged victim that the Trayvon Martin defendant is prejudiced against blacks, an accusation that is more directly relevant to the second-degree murder charge he faces for shooting and killing Martin in what he maintains was self-defense.
The woman told authorities that Zimmerman’s family doesn't "like black people if they don't act like white people. They like black people if they act white." She has said in interviews and to police that Zimmerman himself does not like blacks, according to the Chicago Tribune. When asked if she had seen him disparage blacks or act as though he hated blacks, however, she said she had not.
The unidentified woman could become a rebuttal witness in the trial to show that Zimmerman has a history of forcefulness and exploitation. She says she has only come forward publicly since his arrest because she is no longer afraid of him. 
Rico says lessee, the guy starts out abusing little girls, doesn't like black people, and ends up shooting poor Trayvon...

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