19 July 2012

Isn't everything?

Josh Vorhees and Elizabeth Hewitt have a Slate article about the hapless George Zimmerman:
George Zimmerman apologized to Trayvon Martin's family during an interview with Sean Hannity that aired on Fox News on Wednesday night, but maintained that he acted in self-defense, and that the events that led to the Florida teen's death were part of "God's plan".
"I’m not a racist and I’m not a murderer," Zimmerman said. Running through the events of the February night, he said that he was not pursuing Martin through the neighborhood, but trying to keep an eye on him to get a more accurate address for police.
The 28-year-old neighborhood watch volunteer said that when he got out of his car, Martin approached him suddenly. Zimmerman reached into his pocket to call 911 for a second time, and Martin punched him in the face, breaking his nose. In the ensuing struggle, Zimmerman claims he heard the teenager say: "You’re going to die tonight."
Zimmerman offered an apology to Martin’s parents, saying "I pray for them daily" and that he’d like to talk to them about what happened. But, he said, he didn’t want to second guess anything that happened that evening. "I feel that it was all God's plan," he said.
Responding to Zimmerman's statements in a phone interview with the Associated Press, Trayvon Martin’s father, Tracy Martin, said: "We must worship a different God. There is no way that my God wanted George Zimmerman to murder my teenage son."
For the interview, Zimmerman was flanked by his attorney, who remained silent, other than to say his client wouldn't answer questions about allegations of sexual abuse made earlier this week.

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