11 October 2011


The New York Times has an editorial about gubs:
The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia persuasively ruled that the Constitution does allow the District to ban possession of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines of bullets, and to require citizens to meet sensible standards for registering guns.
This ruling underscores a principle set forth in the 2008 Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which held that the Second Amendment allows individuals to keep handguns at home for self-defense. The Supreme Court said in that case that the right is “not unlimited” and doesn’t protect guns “not typically possessed by law-abiding citizens for lawful purposes”. And it specifically suggested that jurisdictions could ban the possession of the military’s M-16 rifle because it is “dangerous and unusual”.
The District’s firearms law defines “assault weapon” to include rifles like the AR-15, which the Supreme Court once called “the civilian version of the military’s M-16 rifle”. The appeals court suggested that the only place where assault weapons, which are designed to shoot bullets at a rapid rate, are necessary for self-defense is on a battlefield, or the equivalent for police. Anywhere else their presence is an invitation to mayhem, and puts police officers and all around at high risk.
It also concluded that “the evidence demonstrates a ban on assault weapons is likely to promote the Government’s interest in crime control in the densely populated urban area that is the District of Columbia”. The court reached the same conclusion about banning magazines with more than ten rounds of ammunition. Those magazines increase the dangers of semiautomatic guns: they result in more shots fired, people wounded and wounds per person. The appeals court’s ruling is careful and convincing on this heated topic.

Related articles:
Appeals Court Allows Ban on Assault Weapons
Times Topic: Gun Control
Rico says gun control is using both hands, but you'll never convince the leftists in DC nor at The New York Times...

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