08 October 2011

Get 'em out in the open where they're easier to kill

Rick Gladstone has an article in The New York Times about Qaddafi:
Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi, the deposed Libyan leader now in hiding, broke more than a week of public silence with a recorded message beseeching his followers to flood the streets of their country and “raise our green flags to the skies". Colonel Qaddafi’s message also denounced the Transitional National Council, the provisional government that succeeded him, as a charlatan regime with no popular support. “How did it get its legitimacy?” asked Colonel Qaddafi, who considered himself the king of kings of Africa. “Did the Libyan people elect them? Did the Libyan people appoint them?”
He asserted that the council’s appearance of authority would vanish once the warplanes of NATO end their operations against his supporters in Libya. “Make your voice heard against NATO’s collaborators,” Colonel Qaddafi said.
It was the first time since 27 September that anything had been heard from Colonel Qaddafi, whose message was broadcast by al-Arrai, a Syrian television network, which has been the outlet for all his appeals for support since he was toppled from power in late August by a coalition of armed insurgents. The recording gave no hint of his location, but Transitional National Council officials say they believe he is still in Libya.
In the weeks since he was deposed, many vestiges of Colonel Qaddafi’s decades in power, including his Green Book of guidance and the official green flag of his Green Revolution, have been expunged from Libya’s streets, squares, and facades. The flag Libya uses now (red, black and green bars with a white crescent moon and star) is the one introduced in the 1950s by the Libyan monarchy that Colonel Qaddafi overthrew in 1969.
Exhorting Libyans to demonstrate their fealty, he urged them to “go out and march in their millions in all the squares in all the cities and villages and oases,” according to a translation of the message by Reuters. “Be courageous, rise up, go to the streets!”
The Transitional National Council remains stuck in its effort to eradicate the last significant vestiges of armed support for Colonel Qaddafi, centered on the seaside town of Sirte, where his tribe lives, and the desert enclave of Bani Walid. Anti-Qaddafi fighters have repeatedly claimed that they are close to taking Sirte, where at least one of Colonel Qaddafi’s sons, Muatassim, is believed to be hiding.
Rico says this farce has gone on long enough; they gotta whack this guy, and soon...

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