07 January 2011

Huck Finning the Constitution

Rico says he's not sure this is an improvement, but Adam Serwer has a column in The Washington Post about Republicans mimicking the really bad revision to The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:
Earlier this week, there was an uproar over a publisher's plans to release an edition of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that would replace the N-word with the word "slave" in order to make the book more "appropriate" for schoolchildren. This kind of political correctness offers no justice to the descendants of slaves; it merely papers over a terrible ugliness that is an essential part of American history.
Republicans, intending to make a big symbolic show of their reading of the Constitution, have now taken a similarly sanitized approach to our founding document. Yesterday they announced that they will be leaving out the superceded text in their reading of the Constitution on the House floor, avoiding the awkwardness of having to read aloud the "three fifths compromise", which counted slaves as only three-fifths of a person for the purposes of taxation and apportionment.
The reason to include the superceded text is to remind us that the Constitution, while a remarkable document, was not carved out of stone tablets by a finger of light at the summit of Mount Sinai. It was written by men and, despite its promise, it possessed flaws at the moment of its creation that still reverberate today. Republicans could use the history lesson; last year they attacked Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan during her nomination process because one of her mentors, Justice Thurgood Marshall, had the audacity to suggest that the Constitution was flawed since it didn't consider black people to be full human beings.
As Jamelle Bouie wrote about the Huck Finn controversy, "If there's anything great about this country, it's in our ability to account for and overcome our mistakes." We shouldn't pretend we didn't make them.
Rico says the 'N-word' stands for nigger, in case you didn't know. (So, what, Nigger Jim is gonna read as Slave Jim? Ridiculous...)

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