06 November 2008

Black Camelot. Damn, should'a thought of that one...

The Daily Trust out of Nigeria has a story with the greatest headline: Barack Obama - the Black Camelot
Too perfect.
Their columnist sums it up:
Camelot in Arthurian legend was the seat of King Arthur's court. It was a term used for John Kennedy when he won the American Presidency in 1961 which was seen then as the renewal of America and the promise of all possibilities and great things to come.
I am investing Barack Obama with the same legend. For what he has wrought in American politics, he is a black Camelot with all its glittering magical enchantments. Obama is Arthur who having conquered all opposition drew Excalibur, the sword from the stone in which it is buried for centuries and thereafter mounted his stallion and galloped off to make a date with History. And what a history!
Barack Obama as president -elect has given expressions to many time-worn notions. His achievement is nothing if not an exquisite dramatization of the idea of "from the log cabin to the White House". White House, symbolizing power and privilege that can be attained if worked hard for. In Barack's case it holds a greater resonance because it is the first time an African American would be achieving such a feat and boy, it did not come easily. Surely, on inauguration day the ghosts of Rev. Martin Luther King along with other Black dignitaries now gone, would be standing a little away from the gathering, they will wear a smile on their faces and chuckle to themselves that thank God we have got there at last. They can now say a final good bye.
arack personifies America as the melting pot, a mélange of all nationalities gathered in one place, a fact noticeable always from the ever surging multi-racial crowd that gather to listen to him speak. Anyone who can do this, who can appeal to and win the allegiance of people from multi-racial backgrounds and ride on the wave they provide to power must have an innate quality special only to him. He has given expression to the quest of this motley crowd of peoples to forge a nation out of the cleavages of race, privilege and the bigotry and brutalities they spurned in the days of yore. His victory signals the defeat of the stubborn attempt to maintain and sustain them.
President-elect Barack Obama as a citizen of America and the world holds so much goodwill and prospect, we are waiting with bated breath for them to bear fruits.
Rico says he wishes he'd written that damned headline...

1 comment:

Peripatetic Engineer said...

Nigeria. Like we should all listen to them.

My favorite prediction comes from http://xavierthoughts.blogspot.com/

"Barack Obama cannot possibly fulfill all the deluded promises his devoted followers obviously believe he made. He will not buy anyone gasoline, and he will not pay their mortgage. No FEMA cards are going to be available for the economically and socially ignorant. His inability to become the Sugar Daddy to millions of denizens who feel they have been disenfranchised by the Great Right Wing Conspiracy of Hate and Intolerance will cause them to toss him aside with the contempt of a crackhead tossing aside a baggie full of baking soda when the reality of the illusion sets in. Barack Obama will no doubt be remembered as the most ineffectual and perhaps the worst President the United States ever elected. Two years from now, Obama will no longer have the power base he has mobilized."


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