15 October 2008

And fuck you, GOF, wherever you are

One of the problems of fighting with someone on the internet is that, for the most part, it's like fighting with a column of smoke: you can see it, you can get hurt by it, but you can't really come to grips with it.
Rico got mousetrapped by someone calling himself Grouchy Old Fart (an apt moniker) over at Ulistguns, where Rico was trying (and is still trying) to sell one of his gubs.
Somehow, in negotiating the price for a Glock, the GOF and Rico got sideways, and the GOF decided to take revenge. (Rico says he's still unclear how all this got started.)
The GOF quickly came back with "sure, I'll pay your price, just tell me how to pay you using PayPal" (an easy solution offered, stupidly, by the site), and Rico told him.
An hour or so later, a rocket from PayPal telling poor Rico that he was fucked.
Seems the GOF had immediately ratted him out to PayPal, and they locked down his account.
While this is more of a nuisance than a death sentence, it is irritating as shit.
Since the site is honorable, they won't give Rico the home address of the GOF, so there's nothing he really can do about it, other than whine, which he's doing. (And thanks for listening.)
Lesson learned: there are not-nice people out there, and they will fuck with you if they can. Once they do, there's not much you can do about it on the internet.
(Not that Rico would take up any of his gub collection and actually go visit the GOF, because that would be wrong, but it's nice to think about, isn't it...)

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