14 September 2008

Nine-eleven, yet again

The History Channel had a bunch of stuff, mostly amateur video, taken on 9.11 tonight. Like watching a car crash, you can't turn away. It's the same old crap— nuclear winter dust storms, falling bodies, terrified and stunned civilians, stalwart firefighters going into hell— but you gotta watch...

Rico says seven years on, it's like it just happened three days ago, on the eleventh...

The ladyfriend and I happened to be visiting my mother on Nantucket that week in 2001, and we were on the ferry coming back when it happened. The ferry company was able to pipe in NBC television news as audio, and a lot of people had portable radios, so we all knew what was happening, but we didn't see any of it until we drove down to north Jersey and could watch the plumes of smoke across the river...

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