08 May 2008

Typical. Stupid, but typical

The LA Times is reporting that California has set up a whole series of regulations that inhibit the use of 'kitchen grease' (meaning vegetable oil, sometimes reclaimed from deep fryers in restaurants, sometimes purchased in bulk) as a vehicle fuel. The fact that, when you burn it in your car, you don't pollute the air and you smell like french fries doesn't seem to cut it with the bureaucrats, who are insisting on getting eighteen cents a gallon in taxes from whoever's foolish enough (like the state's governor) to try and run their vehicle (a Hummer, in Schwartzenegger's case) on vegetable oil.
Environmentalists are frustrated. "It is ridiculous that we live in what is presumed to be one of the greenest states in the nation, yet we have the most antiquated laws to deal with green energy," said Josh Tickell, an alternative-fuels advocate.

Rico says fuck 'em, don't pay the tax, don't obey the regulations (a million bucks in liability insurance, in case you spill some? what, are they crazy?), just top up at your local McDonald's and drive like hell...

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