05 July 2015

People are too fucking wierd

The Journal has an article about a problem the Danes are having with the wrong kind of tourist:
The Danish government has proposed a new law banning sex with animals, saying it needs to stop the the country from becoming a destination for underground animal sex tourism. The law would bring Denmark in line with restrictions in neighboring European countries, including Germany, Norway, and Sweden, said Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Minister Dan Jorgensen. “I propose a change in the law on protection of animals to state explicitly that sexual relations with animals are no longer permitted,” he said in a statement. “Animals have to be treated with respect and care, and they have a right to special protection, because they cannot say no,” he said.
Bestiality has been legal in the Nordic country except in cases where the animal can be proved to have suffered. However, laws across Europe, also including in Britain, France, Holland, and Switzerland, have left Denmark isolated. “When the rules have been tightened in the rest of Europe, there’s a risk that Denmark will be considered a refuge for people with this proclivity,” the minister said. “That’s why I want to send a clear signal that Denmark is not a refuge for people who want to sexually exploit animals.”
Parliament has previously refused to vote for a bestiality ban, arguing that current laws are sufficient, according to the Daily Ekstra Bladet. The paper reports that the government now believes it can get enough votes to have the ban passed.
Rico says he fails to understand humans at times like this, but suggests that the Danes let these perverts come in, then euthanize them, like any dangerous animal, or hope that they just croak, like the Irish Sun reports:
A man has appeared before Limerick District Court, charged with ordering his Alsatian dog to have sex with a 43-year-old mother of four, who died from an adverse allergic reaction to the intercourse.
The Irish Sun reports that Sean McDonnell, 57, is charged with buggery contrary to Section 61 of the Offenses against the Person Act of 1861,  and is believed to be the first person in Ireland to be charged under the legislation.
The Irish Daily Star adds that McDonnell and the deceased woman had discussed the arrangement on a bestiality internet chat room, and that Gardaí are satisfied that the intercourse was consensual.
The Alsatian dog has been kept in quarantine ever since the incident of 7 October 2008, Patrick O’Connell wrote.
The woman fell ill at around 7:30pm that evening and was rushed to Mid-Western Regional Hospital where she died at around 8pm. Tests showed she had died of anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction similar to that prompted by peanut allergies.
The Sun’s Barry Moran said McDonnell could face a life sentence in prison if found guilty.
Rico says he'll probably cop to feeding her peanuts and get off on a technicality...

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