01 March 2014

Family history for the day

Rico says it was (unbelievably) forty-seven years ago that Rico last saw his Aunt Mary (second wife of Rico's paternal uncle John, known as Jack), who everyone said resembled Elizabeth Taylor (photo). Rico, along with his year-older cousin Susan (Jack's daughter by his first marriage), had been staying at his relative's house in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, only to be awakened at oh-dark-thirty by ungodly screaming and yelling. A little recon discovered Mary trying to claw (she had stylishly long nails) Jack's eyes out, leaving him with big facial scratches.
Quickly packing his bags, Rico headed out for the motel that Jack managed down the road, only to be passed (at high speed) by Jack and Susan, headed for the same destination. When Rico arrived, the night clerk said he was expected, and handed over a room key.
Rico spent some of the summer working there (mostly pool duties, fortunately), until he was 'invited' to go home...
Rico's lovely cousin is married now, and Jack and Mary are both dead, so it's left to Rico to remember...

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