04 January 2012

As ever

The New York Times has an editorial about gubs (wrong, as usual):
The House showed its utter disregard for public safety in November when it approved the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act, which would take away the authority of states to decide who is allowed to carry a concealed and loaded handgun within their borders.
For example, New York, New Jersey, and other states that bar individuals under 21 from obtaining a concealed carry permit would have to honor permits from states with no age requirement. The measure would also hamper efforts to combat illegal gun trafficking. An individual with a concealed carry permit from Florida— which allows the holder to carry unlimited numbers of concealed weapons— could drive a stash of weapons into New York and would have to be caught selling the guns on the street to get arrested.
Proponents contend the measure will make it easier for law-abiding Americans to protect themselves, no matter where they travel. But a recent report in The Times by Michael Luo shows what has happened in North Carolina, one of dozens of states where a concealed carry permit can be easily obtained after a basic background check and perhaps a required safety class. A review of state databases of criminal court cases and concealed carry licensees found more than 2,400 permit holders with felony or misdemeanor convictions over the past five years, excluding traffic-related offenses. At least sixty of the roughly two hundred permit holders convicted of a weapon-related crime committed some sort of assault; ten permit holders were convicted of murder or manslaughter, eight of them using a gun. The Times also cited chilling examples where the presence of a loaded concealed weapon helped escalate an angry encounter into tragedy.
Two years ago, when he was facing a tough re-election campaign, Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader, supported a similar concealed-carry measure. This time he needs to block it. President Obama has been silent on the issue. He should make clear that, for the sake of public safety, he will veto the bill.
Rico says that, as a holder of a concealed carry permit, he's all for this; many people, including his ladyfriend and most of his family, will not be...

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