16 June 2009

Like they don't belong to any all-boys clubs

The New York Times has an article by Charlie Savage and David Kirkpatrick about Sonia Sotomayor:
Judge Sonia Sotomayor on Monday defended her membership in an all-female networking club, telling senators preparing for her Supreme Court confirmation hearing that the group did not discriminate in an inappropriate way. Judge Sotomayor made the remarks in a cover letter for ten documents the White House submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee. The papers supplement a trove of documents and videos, along with a response to a questionnaire, that she turned over earlier this month.
Her remarks indicate that some senators have taken an interest in her membership in the group, Belizean Grove, which she mentioned in the questionnaire response. “I am a member of the Belizean Grove, a private organization of female professionals from the profit, nonprofit, and social sectors,” Judge Sotomayor wrote. “The organization does not invidiously discriminate on the basis of sex. Men are involved in its activities— they participate in trips, host events, and speak at functions— but to the best of my knowledge, a man has never asked to be considered for membership.”
She added: “It is also my understanding that all interested individuals are duly considered by the membership committee. For these reasons, I do not believe that my membership in the Belizean Grove violates the Code of Judicial Conduct.”
The code says judges should avoid giving the appearance of “impropriety” by holding “membership in any organization that practices invidious discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion or national origin.” An organization is said to “discriminate invidiously if it arbitrarily excludes from membership” on the basis of such factors “persons who would otherwise be admitted to membership,” it says.
According to the Belizean Grove's website, the group is a “constellation of influential women” who are building “long-term, mutually beneficial relationships”. It was founded as a counterpart to the all-male Bohemian Grove, a legendary club of elite politicians, businessmen, and other leaders. The group’s roughly 115 “grovers,” as members call themselves, include ambassadors and top executives of Goldman Sachs, Victoria’s Secret, and Harley-Davidson. They meet each year for an annual retreat in Belize or another Central American destination, as well as occasionally in New York and other cities for outings described as “a balance of fun, substantive programs and bonding.” The group’s website does not appear to mention any roles for men.
Rico says he wonders how many members of the Supreme Court ever visited the San Francisco-based Bohemian Grove... (According to Wikipedia, "The membership list has included every Republican president since 1923 (as well as some Democrats), many cabinet officials, and directors and CEOs of large corporations, including major financial institutions; major military contractors; oil companies; banks, including the Federal Reserve; utilities, including nuclear power; and national media, both broadcast and print."

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