14 October 2008

Zip it up, why doncha?

The New York Times has the story of yet another congressman who can't keep himself out of trouble:
The Florida congressman who succeeded Mark Foley after he resigned because of a sex scandal is now embroiled in a sex scandal of his own, and has requested a Congressional ethics investigation to clear his name. The congressman, Tim Mahoney, a Democrat, agreed to a $121,000 settlement with a former mistress who worked on his staff and was threatening to sue him. Mr. Mahoney was elected two years ago after the resignation of Representative Foley, a Republican, whose lewd Internet messages to Congressional pages created a national outrage. Without denying the accusations or explaining how he might benefit from an ethics investigation, Mr. Mahoney said the truth would vindicate him.
The money, which did not come from campaign funds, was paid as part of a severance package to the aide, Patricia Allen, after she was fired, a spokeswoman for Mr. Mahoney said. Mr. Mahoney’s wife was aware of the affair and the legal agreement involving Ms. Allen’s dismissal.
That agreement included a $61,000 severance payment, a $60,000 payment for legal fees and an agreement by Ms. Allen not to join any other campaign for at least a year. They said the agreement also involved a promise to Ms. Allen of a job at Fletcher Rowley Chao Riddle, a Nashville firm that handled Mr. Mahoney’s advertising. On Monday, the company said that it was severing all ties with Mr. Mahoney’s campaign and that it had no knowledge of the promises to Ms. Allen for employment.
Friends of Ms. Allen told ABC that she had sought to break off the affair when she learned that Mr. Mahoney was involved in other extramarital relationships. Mr. Mahoney fired Ms. Allen in January 2008, and she began legal proceedings in February that concluded with a settlement in March.
Rico says these guys are never going to get it that they can't do this stuff and expect it not to hit the papers (and the blogs)...

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