02 October 2008

That'll teach him

The Los Angeles Times has a story by Scott Glover and Richard Winton about an LA County sheriff's deputy who got really pissed off at his wife and her lover:
After tricking his wife into introducing him to her lover, a Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy held the couple captive overnight at an Irvine apartment complex where he beat them, forced them to undress at knife point and ordered the woman to castrate her younger suitor, authorities alleged Wednesday. Deputy Robert A. McClain then allegedly sodomized his wife and chopped off her hair with the knife. Orange County prosecutors filed mayhem, torture and sexual assault charges against the 34-year-old ex-Marine, who faces a potential life sentence if convicted.
Prosecutors said the nine-hour ordeal began when McClain's wife told him she was leaving him for the younger man, whom she met while working in the leasing office of the apartment complex where he lives.
McClain then used a ruse to persuade his 31-year-old wife to introduce him to the 23-year-old man. After arriving at the young man's apartment, the deputy led the victims to a back kitchenette area in the nearby leasing office, where he started to argue with them and attack them, authorities said.
"McClain is accused of taking out a knife and forcing both victims to undress," according to the district attorney's statement. McClain, who also disrobed, "is accused of unsuccessfully ordering [his wife] to orally copulate both him and [the other man]," the statement added. McClain then ordered his wife to castrate the younger man, and she "fearfully pretended to follow his instructions," the statement said. Schroeder said there were several puncture wounds in the man's groin area, including on his testicles. After slashing the man's face with the knife, prosecutors said, McClain fled the scene, forcing his wife to go with him.
McClain then forcibly sodomized his wife, chopped off her hair with the knife, and ultimately drove her back to their Irvine home, prosecutors allege. About 5 a.m. Monday, the wife was able to leave the house with her four children and drive to a nearby hospital to get treatment, authorities said. A cleaning crew discovered the young man in the leasing office about two hours later and called 911.
Rico says that's probably the end of the deputy's career... (Sarcasm intended.)

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