01 October 2008

It's hot air like yours, you stupid bitch

The Washington Post has the story by Juliet Eilperin:
In an interview with Katie Couric, GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin continued to question humans' contribution to global warming. Palin's repeated suggestion that humans may not be responsible for recent climate change ranks as one of her clearest policy differences with GOP presidential nominee John McCain, and contradicts the view of most scientists. While she emphasized her shared commitment to addressing global warming impacts in her interview with Couric, Palin emphasized the cyclical nature of the world's climate rather than the role greenhouse gas emissions play in driving climate change.
"What's your position on global warming?" Couric asked. "Do you believe it's man-made or not?"
"Well, we're the only Arctic state, of course, Alaska," the governor replied. "So we feel the impacts more than any other state, up there with the changes in climates. And certainly, it is apparent. We have erosion issues. And we have melting sea ice, of course. So, what I've done up there is form a sub-cabinet to focus solely on climate change. Understanding that it is real. And..."
Couric pressed the point. "Is it man-made, though in your view?"
But Palin framed her reply in terms of global warming's impacts, rather than its root causes. "You know there are... there are man's activities that can be contributed to the issues that we're dealing with now, these impacts," she said. "I'm not going to solely blame all of man's activities on changes in climate. Because the world's weather patterns are cyclical. And over history we have seen change there. But kind of doesn't matter at this point, as we debate what caused it. The point is: it's real; we need to do something about it."
Rico says he grows more irritated with Ms Palin every day. (But shouldn't Tina Fey be using this in the next SNL?)

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