06 October 2008

Hey, if you've got that kind of money

The Los Angeles Times has the story by Elizabeth Snead:
Miley Cyrus’ 16th birthday gave new meaning to the word 'schweeeeeet'. Although she doesn't actually turn 16 until 23 November, the Disneyland theme park in Anaheim closed Sunday night for the Hannah Montana star's major life event. The party included a four-song performance by the pubescent pop star and a breathtaking fireworks show high above Sleeping Beauty's Castle. An estimated 5,000 people (it cost $250 a ticket) attended the bash and walked the purple carpet, and yes, that's Cyrus' favorite color. Talking to the press, the Hannah Montana star bragged that her parents also bought her a new puppy for her birthday. No word on what kind.
Rico says oh, they made people pay to see her at her birthday party; how Hollywood... (And won't getting married and having a baby qualify as a 'major life event' now?) And where does she shop for her outfits, Sluts-R-Us?

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