19 September 2008

Stupid is as stupid does

PC Magazine has the article about the legal quibbling that might keep the Palin hackers out of jail:

Hackers obtained access to the Alaska governor's personal gov.palin@yahoo.com e-mail address this week after successfully navigating through Yahoo's password reset process. They changed the governor's password, took screen shots of the account's contents, accessed personal photographs, and sent all the data to the Wikileaks Web site. Under the Stored Communication Act, it is illegal to access without permission a wire or electronic communication while it is in electronic storage. A 2003 case, Theofel v. Farey-Jones, ruled that electronic storage refers to e-mails that have been read, as well as those that are unopened. The Department of Justice, however, is not a huge fan of the Theofel decision.
Rico says he's not sure who's stupider, the hackers who got caught or Governor Palin for using Yahoo as her email provider (especially since she had secure email through her job with the state)...

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