25 September 2008


Don Reisinger has a column on Digital Home:
Quite a bit has been made lately over Apple's treatment of developers that want to create apps for the iPhone and iPod touch. The company has consistently played games with developers by keeping them in the dark and ensuring that each time an app is rejected, they're given as little information as possible.
So what can developers do? After investing time and money into an application only to be told by Apple that it's not admitted into the App Store can be a bitter defeat. But now that Android is finally shipping in T-Mobile's G1, why not jump to Android?
Unlike Apple's draconian policies, Android is an open platform and Google and the rest won't spend time trying to stop as many third-party developers from producing apps for the platform.
Perhaps the most compelling reason why developers should defect to Android is because it will finally wake up Steve Jobs and company. Right now, I don't know why Apple should even care about all these developers crying about their beloved apps. The way I see it, they need Apple; Apple doesn't need them. But if they defect to Android and the Android market becomes a real powerhouse, the whole game will change. Suddenly, Apple will need to take notice and realize the error of its ways.
There's always one other option for rejected developers: they can try to go it alone and offer their apps themselves. That will work for, oh, about ten minutes until Apple finds it and shuts it down.
Android can be a refuge. Developers shouldn't forget that.

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