03 September 2008

Rico wishes he had their problem

From an old article by David Mehegan in the Boston Globe, courtesy of Rico's mother's clipping service (and where do you think Rico got the disease anyway):
In an age when reading for pleasure is declining, book publishers increasingly are counting on their biggest moneymaking writers to crank out books at a rate of one a year, right on schedule, and sometimes faster than that.
Many top-selling authors, such as John Grisham and Mary Higgins Clark, have turned out at least one book annually for years. Now some writers are beginning to grumble about the pressure, and some are refusing to comply... Many writers below the top tier are also being urged to pick up the pace. In some cases, publishers have ma a book-per-year promise an explicit condition of taking on a new author.
According to Robert B. Parker, author of the Spenser series, 'Elmore Leonard said, "If it takes you more than six months to write a book, you're not working".'
Rico asks, where does he sign?

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