02 September 2008

More from inside Rico's head

Why does Rico do this?
Simple. Approbation by nearly a thousand people a month (while paltry by the standards of 'real' bloggers) is a nice thing.
Oh, the ability to occasionally, if ineffectually, piss down the leg of the pompous and powerful is nice, too, but that's what curmudgeons do best, after all... But putting one's opinions out into the universe does give one a sense of power, however delusional.
Then there's the keeping-the-brain-alive part, too, what with Rico using a bunch of internet, word processing, and graphics programs (Grab, iDVD, iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, iWeb, Keynote, Numbers, Pages, and Safari by Apple; FileMaker; CyberDuck; Final Cut; the Taco html editor; and Acrobat, GoLive, and Photoshop by Adobe) to create stuff that ultimately shows up here.
Fortunately, Rico gets to do it all on a Macintosh, too, rather than a Gates Machine; he's tried them, mostly when compelled to do so by work, and much prefers the Mac OS. (And yes, yes, there's always the story about Rico and Bill being alone in a small anteroom at Apple in the 1980s, Bill walking out alive, and Rico having to apologize to the computing community for the rest of his life, ho hum, next...)
But mostly, truthfully, because it makes Rico happy. Not rich, but happy. (He's no longer allowed to whinge about pelf; it gives the ex-wife ammunition. But he will occasionally, like once a month, have to hock you about buying his books or his other stuff in his sidebar.) He hopes that makes it worthwhile for those of you who spend your time here (almost seven minutes apiece these days, according to SiteMeter; thanks for taking the time), because it sure as hell makes it worthwhile for Rico. (And where else would he get to constantly refer to himself in the third person and get away with it?)

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