17 September 2008

Joe Bob

In the spirit of blogosphere transparency, Rico freely admits to stealing the phrase 'check it out' from John Irving Bloom, aka Joe Bob Briggs:
A typical concluding paragraph of a Joe Bob Briggs column: "No dead bodies. One hundred seventeen breasts. Multiple aardvarking. Lap dancing. Cage dancing. Convenience-store dancing. Blindfold aardvarking. Blind-man aardvarking. Lesbo fu. Pool cue fu. Drive-In Academy Award nominations for Tane McClure. Joe Bob says check it out."
Rico says he never knew Joe Bob was Jewish, and he bets you didn't either... (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) Aardvarking, by the way (just in case it wasn't obvious), was Joe Bob's euphemism for fucking. While the latest post on his Report is from 2007, Joe Bob is still worth reading. Rico says check it out.

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