18 July 2008

That's what they were counting on

Emily Friedman has a column on the ABC News page entitled Americans' Faith in Afghan War Fades and subtitled War Fatigue, Frustration Play Into Americans' Decreasing Interest in War.
"The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll found that a startling 45 percent of Americans said they do not think the war in Afghanistan is worth fighting, despite the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which provoked the war in the first place."

That's rather like a poll taken after the surrender in Germany which would have said Americans didn't care about fighting the Japanese in spite of Pearl Harbor... Rico doesn't think so.

"The confusing nature of the war in Afghanistan — and the failure to locate Osama bin Laden — has contributed to American's already disillusioned vision of the war."

Rico says we probably know where bin Laden is, but have been afraid to cross certain borders to get him. Well, fuck that; go wherever he is (and take those Gurkhas with you), kill him, and bring home the video...

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