10 July 2008

How do say tit-for-tat in Russian?

Condi Rice is asking the Russians to help defuse the 'rising tensions' in Georgia. No, not our Georgia, though it could probably use the help, but their Georgia.
"Rice faults Moscow for stoking tensions in Georgia's two breakaway border regions, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, where Russian-backed separatists are active and where recent military skirmishes have grown increasingly violent. Russia insists its role is limited to peacekeeping in the region, and contends the Georgian government is fueling tensions."

Rico says so let's see, Georgia breaks away from the Soviet Union and now it has its own little breakaway-republic problems. Let's ask if the Russians really care... And let's remember that Stalin (Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, shown below in 1902) was either a Georgian or a South Ossetian, depending on who you believe, so this may be payback for that, as well.

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