22 May 2008

We pay these guys a lot of money, too

According to CNN, "Lawmakers scrambled Thursday to fix a clerical error that derailed an effort to override President Bush's veto of a $300 billion farm bill. The House of Representatives voted 316-108 Wednesday to override the president's veto but, shortly after the vote, lawmakers learned that a 'not particularly controversial' section of the bill was accidentally omitted from the version that Congress sent to the White House, said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Maryland. The discovery prompted concerns from Hoyer's Republican counterpart that the override vote was improper. "What's happened here raises serious constitutional questions -- very serious," said Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. "I don't see how we can proceed with the override as it occurred."

Rico says downhome we'd call this a clusterfuck...


Peripatetic Engineer said...

They are all idiots.

Peripatetic Engineer said...

And what did they hope to accomplish with HR 6074??


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