16 May 2008

No charges? Unbelievable

According to Fox News, a daycare center in Jacksonville, Florida decided to take a bunch of its kids to Chuck E. Cheese. (Rico says that, alone, should be a criminal offense, but never mind...) On the way back (leaving unspecified how they got there), they put 38 kids in a van certified for 15. "The group of four-year-olds were sitting on other children's laps, some were sitting on the floor between the seats, and others were standing in the van. An employee at the kid-friendly restaurant, who saw the children piling into the van, called police. Police ordered the daycare to get a second van. But when it arrived, they found that neither driver was properly licensed — one driver only had a learner's permit. The daycare center is not facing any criminal charges, but the state is still investigating."

Rico says if he had a four-year-old standing in his car he'd get a ticket. Why they're not burning these guys is a puzzle...

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