08 May 2008

Desperation is an ugly thing

And Hillary's got a bad case of it. The LA Times has the story: "Unable to revive her presidential campaign at the polls, Hillary Rodham Clinton now envisions a road to the nomination built on disputes over Democratic Party rules and fights over delegate selections. But on Wednesday even that route looked unattainable, with some key party officials warning that they would not cooperate with Clinton's strategy." "I just think it's a really dangerous thing for the Democratic Party to now go back and say, 'Well, [Florida and Michigan] broke the rules, but on the other hand, we need them,' " said R. Keith Roark, the Idaho state party chairman and an uncommitted superdelegate to the national convention. "If they were being used, they'd be used to deny the nomination to an African American who followed the rules. It's inconceivable to me that we would want to do that," he said. "Dogged by defections and signs of financial trouble, Hillary Rodham Clinton faced a significant shift Wednesday even among supporters as talk turned from how she might win to how she can end her presidential campaign gracefully."

Rico continues to shake his head. Those Clintons...

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